Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Molly Jane is ONE!

It has been a year since this little bundle of energy joined our family. We are so lucky to have this adorable little fireball in our lives!

We had a great birthday party with a few of MJ's playmates from church. It was so cute to seem them play together. Molly knew it was her special day and paraded about laughing and getting as much attention as she could from everyone.
Afterward she was showered with gifts from her grandparents.
Molly loves this book from her Great Grandpa T. It makes noises :) Her favorite is the balloon going up and the dog barking.

Her new playhouse from Grandma and Grandpa. It was a big hit with both Molly and big brother Sam.
Sam gave Molly a peek-a-boo book "Where is Baby's Birthday Cake" and was nice enough to read it to her.

Mmmm cake!


Anna said...

Happy Birthday Molly Jane! You are so adorable. I can't believe that you are already one! Time sure is flying by! Tell your mommy and daddy hi for me and let them know that I hope everything is going well with rotations. Congrats to being in your last year!

Shirley said...

She is so pretty! I love her outfit! You did such a good job with the decorating. What a cute idea to do all those pictures! I can't believe it has been a year already. I was only 13 weeks pregnant this time last year. :) Crazy! It looks like you guys had fun!

Kori said...

Oh, she has changed so much! She's hardly a baby anymore... That looks like so much fun! We miss your parties!

千恵美 said...

Happy Birthday Molly.She is soooooo pretty.