Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Service and the mystery quilter

It seems that lately I have been hearing a lot about service. We had a great lesson in relief society this week based on Elder Amado's talk Service, A Divine Quality. Elder Uchtdorf gave a wonderful talk at Women's Conference related to service, and this month's Ensign cover story is is about service. With the birth of my new daughter I have been the beneficiary of many acts of service. My mom and mom-in-law have taken such great care of us. Many friends have brought us delicious dinners. But I wanted to highlight one particular person's charitable acts of service - our ward's mystery quilter.
There is a woman in our ward who anonymously makes a beautiful baby quilt for every baby who is born in our ward - and there are a lot of babies in our ward. Each quilt is amazingly unique and adorable. Here are pictures of the front and back of the quilt she made for Molly. (You can click on each image for a better view)

We were lucky enough to live in the ward for the birth of both of our children. Here is the quilt she made for Sam.

Thank you mystery quilter!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

3 weeks old

Molly Jane is three weeks old now. How time flies by. Sam loves his little sister and gives her lots of sweet drooly kisses.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Guess who turned two! He will proudly tell you if you ask him how old he is.
He had a very fun little party. He loved being sung to and blowing out the candles. We did it over and over :) He asked us to sing him birthday again the next morning.
Birthday activities included blowing bubbles, playing with his new basketball and Mickey shape sorter, building and knocking down towers and eating his favorite dinner- linguine.

Happy Birthday!

Monday, September 08, 2008

New Arrival!

Molly Jane joined us on September 4 weighing 8 lbs 1/2oz 21 inches long!

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

I'm so glad when daddy comes home!

These are the lyrics to one of Sam's new favorite songs. Its no wonder why. Keenan has had some time off while we wait for our new little one to join us. He and Sam have had so much fun hanging out together. They go on an outing to the zoo or aquarium almost every morning. Here are some pics of their latest adventures.