Thursday, July 26, 2007

Joneses come to visit

During the last week in June Grandma Jones, Logan, Ashtyn and Bailey came to Seattle for a visit. On Wednesday we saw the Mariners take down Matsuzaka and the Red Sox and then we had a picnic at Carkeek park. Logan and the twins enjoyed wathcing the trains go by and playing catch with Mike on the beack. Ashtyn has quite the arm.

The next day they rode the Ducks and then we met at the Seattle Aquarium.

On Saturday they all came over and helped us move into our new home. We really appreciated all of their help. It is always fun to have a visit from Grandma and the kids. Come again soon!

Mariner's Fan

Sam loves going to Mariners games. He has been to four games this season and they have won every game. He was even put on TV. (We will post the video when we get it off Grandmas's TiVo.) Sam's favorite Mariner is JJ Putz. Last night Sam and his dad sat on the grass in front of our new home and listened to the Boys of Summer on the radio. This IS the summer of fun!

Here are a few pictures from some of the Mariners games.

Eating sweet potatoes at the Hit It Here Cafe

Sam and Grandpa

Sam and Great Grandpa Timothy

Logan, Bailey, Ashtyn, and Sam as the Mariners beat Matsuzaka and the Red Sox 2-1 . Go Mariners!